Democracy... A Farce ???
Is this democracy just a farce???
Is this so called democratic system just not another version of the Wild West where the power hungry or the ‘adventurous’ people reap all the gain and leave the people who choose them with a raw deal? ...
Think about it.
The politicians are a cunning lot. They make us believe that we are living in a democratic world, that we are the king makers. The issues they raise to raise our collective conscience are things that the public has no complete knowledge of. They take advantage of our half knowledge and then try to convince us that they are the saints in this country. I still am not clear what the hell is going on in Nandi gram. I mean the complete picture. One set of them say it’s bad, some others say that it’s not the fault of the government, others think that the people are to be blamed, blah, blah, blah…
I have no clue where the so called oppression against the dalits is going on. Sure I have read about it, I have heard speeches about it, but I have never seen it happen… I am yet to see a person marginalized for being a dalit… I don’t deny its existence. But if it was as bad as they make it out to be, how is it that I have never seen it before?
They say that the Bangalore- Mysore infrastructure corridor project is ridden with corruption and black money. They never give us proper proof. They call these press conferences and wave some papers for the media to take pictures of, but they can’t prove it in the court of law even with all their ‘proofs’... or are they just ‘spoofs’?
They stir up emotions about the Sethu-Samudram project. They tell us that the bridge is a representative of our country’s culture, that this project will destroy the ecology of the system. Some say it’s boons outweigh the banes. Who do I believe in?
There are a million other incidents I could quote…
When you vote do you actually give a lot of thought to it? No! Very few do… and that is the greatest tragedy of this system. This is a system run by public vote, that public, which is manipulated like puppets, and brainwashed to think that it’s thinking independently. Is this system then not a failure? People just can’t decide what is good for them. Today all that the democracy does is put the best liar on the corridors of power. How else does one explain the support for the politicians who contest and win elections from jails?!
What do I suggest?
I have no clue what a better system would be.
All I can say is that democracy as exists today, is by no means the perfect way to live. It’s better than aristocracy, but by no means the perfect one.
We need a better system.
What would it be???
A question for deep thought…
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