Oh S**t

I went to Mysore the last week to the AFSB to try and become a fighter pilot. Couple of days ago, I did get recommeneded to be one. There are still the medicals though, so I cannot really say I am commisssioned yet...
This post is not about the days there...

I am currently nursing a burnt left hand with more flesh than visible skin and a dislocated left knee. Is this about how I got those injuries?

No it is not...

The narration I am about is of how hard it is to visit the throne room in the mornings with half my body dysfunctional.

I have never been a great fan of going to the bathrooms in the mornings ( Personally I hate this part of the waking up... Well... I dont really like any part of waking up). But life now is definitely fidgety. I am a person who is yet to weternise his lifestyle atleast when it comes to personal hygiene. You see I would rather squat on the commode rather than sit on them the way it is meant to be used. But with my leg plastered straight from my thighs to my ankle, I dont have a choice but to start using that dreadfull chair with a hole for seat. Now the builder of my apartments was not a sucker for hygiene, so he forgot to install that water jet flush to one uses to cleanse oneself after going. So one has to resort to using the traditional Indian hand and water technique to wipe ones backside clean. (I dont think I will ever get used to using paper to wipe my backside.) Its just not that simple though. The gauntlet is to not get my plaster and wounds wet and cleanse myself using only one hand. The pictue one gets in mind is that of throwing water in the air and putting my back under it as is falls and then use the little water it manages to collect to clean myself with the hand I used to throw water with.

I have not used the bathroom yet for the past two days. I think I will have no choice but to try tomorrow morning.. Wish me luck...


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