Installing GRUB after installing Windows
Windows is THE most popular OS in the world...
It is also the most unfriendly to other OSes. One common problem that affects people is that when they install Windows after Linux the GRUB bootloader is overwritten. So the poor chap often ends up reinstalling the whole of linux... The following post by David Mooney on xubuntu-users mailinglist tells you how to reinstall GRUB without all that circus..
If for some odd reason you missed having the Windows operating system and you decided to install it on another partition, you will notice your GRUB is missing afterwords. This usually happens and is a huge headache for those trying to get their GRUB back. Here’s what you need to do to get it back:
Put your bootable Ubuntu/Xubuntu install disk in the CD drive and run it. Instead of installing anything, click on the menu to open the terminal application.
In terminal mode, type the following:
sudo grub
find /boot/grub/stage1
root (x,y)
setup (x)
sudo shutdown “now” -r
The resulting “find” command will display something like (hd0,1). In this example, you would then type root (hd0,1) and then setup (hd0) in the above area. These numbers might be different; that’s why I included the “find” command so that folks who might have their Ubuntu partitions located either in front or behind their Windows installation or on a completely separate internal/external hard drive so that you will get the appropriate/correct setup numbers.
Ok, now you got your GRUB-on, but what about that darn GRUB menu? It’s not displaying what you want it to display? Well, let just see here…
Upon reboot, select “Recovery Mode”, usuaully the second option down on the GRUB menu. This will allow you to boot into the root. Once you’re in the terminal mode, type:
editor /boot/grub/menu.lst
Well, the rest is pretty much self explanatory. There should be enough comments in the menu.lst to direct you to what you can and cannot do to your GRUB menu.lst.
I usually put the Windows option at the top of the menu so that others (none-Linux users) who use my computer can find it easily if they have to do a reboot. Your Windows installation will have a different root than your Ubuntu/Xubuntu, but it’s usually automatically placed by GRUB once it’s set up again (like the above). I also recommend removing the timeout option as this is sometimes annoying. Have fun!
-David :D
P.S.- If you have a question, I’ll be happy to answer to the best of my ability.
Thanks David...
Hope the above helps you..
It is also the most unfriendly to other OSes. One common problem that affects people is that when they install Windows after Linux the GRUB bootloader is overwritten. So the poor chap often ends up reinstalling the whole of linux... The following post by David Mooney on xubuntu-users mailinglist tells you how to reinstall GRUB without all that circus..
If for some odd reason you missed having the Windows operating system and you decided to install it on another partition, you will notice your GRUB is missing afterwords. This usually happens and is a huge headache for those trying to get their GRUB back. Here’s what you need to do to get it back:
Put your bootable Ubuntu/Xubuntu install disk in the CD drive and run it. Instead of installing anything, click on the menu to open the terminal application.
In terminal mode, type the following:
sudo grub
find /boot/grub/stage1
root (x,y)
setup (x)
sudo shutdown “now” -r
The resulting “find” command will display something like (hd0,1). In this example, you would then type root (hd0,1) and then setup (hd0) in the above area. These numbers might be different; that’s why I included the “find” command so that folks who might have their Ubuntu partitions located either in front or behind their Windows installation or on a completely separate internal/external hard drive so that you will get the appropriate/correct setup numbers.
Ok, now you got your GRUB-on, but what about that darn GRUB menu? It’s not displaying what you want it to display? Well, let just see here…
Upon reboot, select “Recovery Mode”, usuaully the second option down on the GRUB menu. This will allow you to boot into the root. Once you’re in the terminal mode, type:
editor /boot/grub/menu.lst
Well, the rest is pretty much self explanatory. There should be enough comments in the menu.lst to direct you to what you can and cannot do to your GRUB menu.lst.
I usually put the Windows option at the top of the menu so that others (none-Linux users) who use my computer can find it easily if they have to do a reboot. Your Windows installation will have a different root than your Ubuntu/Xubuntu, but it’s usually automatically placed by GRUB once it’s set up again (like the above). I also recommend removing the timeout option as this is sometimes annoying. Have fun!
-David :D
P.S.- If you have a question, I’ll be happy to answer to the best of my ability.
Thanks David...
Hope the above helps you..
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