DOTA-Just Dumb Da!

Ok let me get one thing straight before I start out. I was a DOTA enthusiast for some time.
But not anymore.
Reason: I AM BORED…

It’s unfathomable how my some of my dear co-NITKians manage to play this game 24 X 7 X 365(days) X 4(yrs).
For those of you who don’t know what DOTA is, (if such people exist) let me give a brief intro.
There are two sides one good and the other good (!!!). The first good side needs to take down the other good side to stop the other good side from taking over the world. So they decide to take it over themselves (duh…). Both of them live on the opposite sides of a river kind of water body (I dunno what it actually is…).
You take one of the good sides and before you start the game you are asked to pick a hero. The heroes are the cartoonish characters that come in all shapes and sizes ranging from the cute pandas to bikini clad sexy females (quite cuddly eh… ).
Where there are heroes there has to be special powers. These range from the chicken attacks (a particularly devastating attack where your opponent becomes a chicken!), the holy light (a flash light kind of thing carried by the hero that when points to your enemy kills it and heals your allies),etc etc etc…
So they fight it out and reach the other side’s base at the center the source of all the trouble a tree or a chair( depending on whose side you are) and destroy it.
5 minutes down…
The game begins all over again… and again… and again… till the time is 4 in the morning. Then the tired warriors call it a day and go to take a short nap till 7-30. The rest of the sleep is finished in the class which starts at 8.
The way they are addicted to this game I can’t figure out how they are called the brightest mind in this country…


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