Non-Smoker's Plight

Hey “Smoker”... Yes you…!
The one smoking smack in the middle of the bus stop… I am speaking to you… Have you ever stuck your head in an automobile exhaust??? I am pretty sure you have not. Try it sometime. Go take the pipe from the hookah and stick it to the exhaust and take a puff. Inhale all that filth into your emaciated lungs and let us see how it feels. You don’t think that such an exercise is going to be the next high you desire huh. Let me tell you that the fumes you so exuberantly expel in perfect ellipses is not the spiritual “high” that I desire either. I don’t care what others think, I can’t stand you smoking. That old lady probably dislikes it, this baby must, the beautiful girl over there loathes it, they all hate it, and it’s just that they don’t protest. But my friend, I have absolutely no problem in battling for my life if I have to. I don’t intend to let you kill me like this. Yes, it’s me. I am “Non-Smoker” or “Smoke-Hater”, probably just a weirdo in this “Smoked” world. I don’t look ethereal surrounded by smoke, but at least my alveoli and bronchi are in the pink of their health. I can’t understand your compulsion for self destruction but why are you forcing me to walk through nicotine fog every time I want to drink a coffee or catch a bus or go for a jog or well just continue with my inconsequential existence!!! Yes I know you don’t smoke inside McDonalds or the Coffee House or inside a bus. But I don’t live there. I walk in the crowded street, have my breakfast in the crowded dhabha, and sleep in a bus stand. So why-o-why do I have to sit like a POW with fumes trying to kill me. Is this the curse of the not so privileged non-smoker???



  1. Insane! I just love this blog entry! :] Although i didn't understand the 'irony' mentioned above. :|

  2. Neither did I understand the irony dude ... :P


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